Utils documentation

Burkhard Lück lueck at hube-lueck.de
Fri Jul 23 18:43:10 CEST 2010

Hi kde-utils-devel,

ckecking the utils documentation which is in general in a good state I noticed 
some issue:

* ark needs an update
This documentation has a useless/boring command reference, any information 
there is either well known to a kde user like settings + help menu or 
mentioned in other part of the documentation.
So I'd like to remove the command reference in the update, any objections?
Any hints waht is missing/wrong in the doc or should be added.

* superkaramba, is this dead code?
Beside krazy fixes by dakon 7 month agom and you usual scripty commits I see 
"real" commit since 2 or 3 years. Does it really make sense to have apparently 
dead code lying around, whose functionality is afaik already in plasma?


Burkhard Lück

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