Taking over kcalc maintainership (was Re: KDE/kdeutils/kcalc)

Raphael Kubo da Costa kubito at gmail.com
Thu Aug 26 00:15:39 CEST 2010

(CC'ing the kde-utils-devel mailing list)

On Wednesday 25 August 2010 18:06:28 Evan Teran wrote:
> Hi Ralph,
> Sorry that you are most certainly not the most direct person to
> contact to get the information I want, but you seem to at least be in
> charge of something with the KDE folks ;). Anyway, I have been
> (re)motivated to try to squash the remaining bugs that poor little
> kcalc has.
> I tried to contact Klaus who is listed as the current maintainer in
> order to coordinate with him, but unfortunately the email simply got
> bounced back. So I fear that he is somewhat MIA. I also noticed that
> he is currently the default assignee for kcalc bugs. I used to be back
> in the early 2000's but as some point he took over.
> Anyway, since it appears that at the very least he is not receiving
> the reports, I'd be happy to take over once again as the maintainer.
> Who do I contact to do this?
> Thanks and sorry again that this probably isn't your area.
> Evan Teran

Hey there Evan,

kcalc has been quite unmaintained for some time. We've tried looking for 
volunteers, and someone even committed a few patches some months ago before 
vanishing into the shadows.

I believe we (as in the kdeutils team) would be more than glad if you stepped 
up to maintain kcalc again. Since there's no maintainer at all at the moment, 
I think you become The One by simply committing stuff :)

As for the bug reports, you can either look for someone with enough Bugzilla 
karma or file a sysadmin bug report[1] to get the bug reports reassigned to 
you (or to at least automatically CC you on all the reports).

You could also have your blog (if you have one) syndicated on Planet KDE to 
announce you're the new old kcalc maintainer to make everyone aware and happy 


[1] https://bugs.kde.org/enter_sysadmin_request.cgi

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