New ReviewBoard group for kdeutils

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Sun Apr 25 10:04:23 CEST 2010

Hey Raphael,

Dimanche, 25. avril 2010, à 04:56, Raphael Kubo da Costa a écrit:
> Hey there,
> I've asked the sysadmins to create a ReviewBoard group for kdeutils. This
> way, instead of attaching patches to emails, one should file a review
> request over, and other people should review it
> there.
> I personally find it better to review patches that way, and the risk of
> missing patches or letting them die is smaller.
> I have also asked the sysadmins to send all the reviews and requests to
> this mailing list. Since the amount of patches sent here every month is
> quite small, the mailing list traffic should stay the same.

Good idea, agreed, thanks for getting it done.
Will add some info to the pages.

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