kcalc suggestions

Raphael Kubo da Costa kubito at gmail.com
Wed Apr 21 05:06:10 CEST 2010

You need not send the patch gzipped -- next time, please just attach it to 
your message.

On Monday 19 April 2010 14:34:58 Eike Krumbacher wrote:
> Hi!
> Eike Krumbacher schrieb:
> > IMHO, kcalc should have exact modes:
> The attached patch introduces "modes". Actually, modes are just sets of
> mutually exclusive button-sets.
> There is some fine-tuning missing in that way, that "easy mode" and
> "base mode" contain too many buttons as this patch uses the old button
> sets. The modes are saved using KConfig as the button sets did before.
> The modes are accessible through the settings menu.
> Please note, that you need to update "kcalc.kcfg", which can be done by
> just using "cmakekde" in the source dir.

Index: kcalc.kcfg
--- kcalc.kcfg	(Revision 1116343)
+++ kcalc.kcfg	(Arbeitskopie)

Coding style nitpick: the XML file uses 2 spaces for indentation, and you're 
using 4 in your lines.

+            <choice name="base">
+              <label>Base Calculator Mode</label>
+              <whatsthis>Easy Mode with logic buttons and selectable base. 
Optional bit edit avalable.</whatsthis>
+            </choice>

Base isn't easy to understand when you first look at it. Isn't it better to 
use Logic Mode or something like that?

Index: kcalc.cpp
--- kcalc.cpp	(Revision 1116343)
+++ kcalc.cpp	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 #include <QKeyEvent>
 #include <QShortcut>
 #include <QStyle>
+class QActionGroup;
 #include <kaboutdata.h>
 #include <kacceleratormanager.h>

Please put the forward declarations after the #include's.

+	const QString calcmode = KCalcSettings::calcMode();
I'd rather have an enum here instead of a QString.

+	if ( calcmode == "science" ) {
+	    actionConstantsShow->setChecked( KCalcSettings::showConstants() );

Don't you need to check the Scientific Mode action here?

+	} else if ( calcmode == "statistics" ) {
+	    actionModeStatistic->setChecked( true );
+	} else if ( calcmode == "base" ) {
+	    actionModeBase->setChecked( true );
+	} else {
+	    actionModeEasy->setChecked( true );
+	}

+    showSciencebuttons( false );
+    showStatbuttons( false );
+    showLogicbuttons( false );

buttons -> Buttons?

Index: kcalcui.rc
--- kcalcui.rc	(Revision 1116343)
+++ kcalcui.rc	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -2,15 +2,14 @@
 <kpartgui name="kcalc" version="19">

I think you should update the version here since you've changed the XML file.

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