
Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at kde.org
Thu Jun 12 17:37:05 CEST 2008

Hi Radek,


Am Mittwoch, 11. Juni 2008, um 16:16 Uhr, schrieb Radek Zielonka:
> Hi
> is there some possibilities how could I help with KDE?
> I have  some experience with C++, Qt.

Sure, great, there are a lot of possibilities :) 

The best motivation is to work on something that is of interests for oneself, 
like a program one uses often. You could start to fix some minor mistakes, 
later perhaps even add new or improve old features, or start an own plugin or 
even program. This ensures a maximum of fun for you :)

I guess you have already looked at these pages:
If not, just do. You will find a lot of your possible questions answered. For 
the rest feel free to ask here, in the mailing list kde-devel, or at the irc 
channel #kde-devel.

As you here have written to the mailing list for the development of the KDE 
Utilities, is there a certain utility program you are interested in?


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