Standalone CMakeLists.txt

David Johnson david at
Sun Dec 21 09:25:19 CET 2008

On Sunday 21 December 2008 12:16:20 am Michael Leupold wrote:
> So if disk space is not a problem, rather work with all of kdeutils
> building only kcalc. If you still want to modify kcalc to build separately,
> please send a copy of the CMakeLists.txt that doesn't work and we can try
> to work it out.

I finally figured it out. I was using the makeobj alias from techbase, and it 
expected a particulary directory structure. Once I unaliased make, it started 

So basically I have a dummy kdeutils directory that has just a CMakeLists.txt 
and the kcalc subdirectory.

David Johnson

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