power manager in 4.2

Rolf Eike Beer kde at opensource.sf-tec.de
Tue Aug 19 22:40:35 CEST 2008

Am Dienstag, 19. August 2008 schrieb Guillaume Pothier:
> The issue is that this file is generated, it does not exist in the
> source directory... so including with quotes does not work. The file
> is generated into the build directory, under
> playground/utils/powerdevil. But I guess the include path given to gcc
> when compiling playground/utils/powerdevil/daemon/PowerDevilDaemon.cpp
> is playground/utils/powerdevil/daemon and not
> playground/utils/powerdevil.
> So what would be the correct thing to do?

CMake bug, I fixed it in r849633
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