kcalc documentation update

Burkhard Lück lueck at hube-lueck.de
Wed Aug 6 22:19:54 CEST 2008

Am Mittwoch 06 August 2008 18:58:51 schrieb David Johnson:
> On Tuesday 05 August 2008 11:50:20 pm Burkhard Lück wrote:
> > > Yes, that is correct. But I don't think you should put the '+' in the
> > > documentation. These are key sequences, not multi-key commands. So you
> > > press "Inv" and then "N", and not "Inv" and "N" at the same time (which
> > > is what the + implies).
> >
> > I have now realized that "Inv" works like Caps Lock, in Inv mode there is
> > an alternate button layout.
> > So these tables for buttons in statistical and trigonometric mode as well
> > as the "Single Key Accelerators" table have to be rewritten completly.
> Why would it need to be rewritten? I see similarly formatted documentation
> in real (plastic+silicon) calculator manuals.
May be, but what is confusing me:
Press "Inv" and then there is no button labeled "N" anymore, the label on this 
button has changed.
That's why I suggested ro rewrite this stuff.

> > > This is the "Less Than" symbol (Qt::Key_Less), not an arrow. On a US
> > > 104 keyboard, this is Shift+Comma. This should be working.
> > > Unfortunately I am not near my KDE4 box to double check this. If it
> > > doesn't work in KDE4, then it's a bug and I will have to add it to the
> > > code.
> >
> > What I mean with missing "<" (less than) accellerator is:
> > Press Ctrl and you see the ">" (greater than) on the "Rsh" key, but
> > nothing on the "Lsh" key. But the "<" (less than) key works here as shift
> > left, it is just not displayed.
> This appears to be a Qt bug. The code in kcalc is correct. 

Where is it?

> I wonder if the 
> problem Qt's string conversion, which sees '<' as an escapable character
> for rich text. It works with any other key sequence. I'll file a bug with
> Trolltech.

Thanks for your feedback.

Burkhard Lück

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