kcalc documentation update
Burkhard Lück
lueck at hube-lueck.de
Tue Aug 5 10:50:04 CEST 2008
I just checked the kcalc docs and found some issues.
Statistical Mode:
N Recall the number of data items entered
Inv N Display the sum of all data items entered
Mea Display the mean of the data items entered
Inv Mea Display the sum of the square of all data items entered
Std Display the standard deviation (n)
Std replaced by the sign sign?
Inv Std Display the population standard deviation (n-1)
Med Display the median
Dat Enter a data item
Inv Dat Clear last data item entered
Cst Clear the store of all data item entered
There are no "Inv foo" buttons, I guess "Inv N" means to press the Inv + N
Same applies to Trigonometric Mode buttons?
Then it should be explained and written as "Inv + N".
Single Key Accelerators:
< Lsh Left shift. Note: Inv Lsh is Right shift
no < accelerator in trunk or stable
What to? Remove this in the docs or add it to the code?
What keys are Prior and Next?
Prior C Clear
Next AC Clear all
Burkhard Lück
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