closing documents, take 2

Maciej Pilichowski bluedzins at
Thu May 21 09:18:36 CEST 2009

On Wednesday 20 May 2009 23:02:00 Matthew Woehlke wrote:

> I am suggesting that combinations 1c and 3c* make no sense and
> should not be allowed. Given that, there are 2*2*2*2=16 possible
> combinations of behavior. They don't all necessarily make sense.

It is really simpler. Those options are only for user actions and they 
are separate.

First issue:

a) user closes doc --> should the app window be closed as well?

And the second issue:

b) there is container (except for desktop!) with only one app 
inside -- user tries to close the app window --> what to do then?

I removed then next part, because you went into the details of 
internal specifics of app.

ad.a) we agreed that it could (option) cause app window close as well, 
if there are local siblings of that application kind

So if user hits [ctrl+w], the option is on, there is sibling, entire 
application window is closed as well. 

ad.b) let's say the option says "ignore" -- it means you cannot just 
close the the app, you have to close the container. Option (a) does 
not interfere with this, because if the app is last one, there are no 
siblings. So -- separate issues.
Let's say the options says "close the doc instead" -- it means you 
cannot close the app, you have to close the container. Doc is closed 
(what it means it is up to the app -- it can mean blank app or blank 
doc). Again, option (a) does not interfere, you get the "close doc" 
even, but because it is the last app, there are no siblings.

> >> The problem is applications that don't have an empty state, yes?
> >
> > No, not at all.
> ?

It is not our concern if the app shows blank state, or blank doc, or 
forbids having any of those.

> IMO "Quit" should either be the same as close document (I think it
> is for KWrite; can't check right now because my KDE is apparently
> hosed), or "Quit this /application/" (as it is for e.g. Firefox,
> i.e. quit all instances of this application, even if not the same
> pid).

I am for closing all instances (I dislike it, but I dislike closing 
just doc even more -- after all user said "quit app").

> > On a bright side...? I hope/guess/think it does not interfere
> > with NWI?
> Nope :-). My present thinking is that the WM shouldn't touch
> "Quit"; that should be for the application to implement.

Ok :-)

> > Except...
> >
> > Let's say I have TAI with kpdf.
> s/kpdf/Okular/ ? ;-)

I still use kpdf because of the superior pdf rendering quality :-)


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