Shortcuts in KDE

Raphaël Pinson raphink at
Fri Jun 23 18:41:24 CEST 2006

Hi guys,

Many KDE apps use tabs by default, and most of them have default shortcuts to 
switch among them.

 * in Konsole, you use shift+right/left arrows
 * in Konversation, it's alt+right/left arrows
 * in Kopete, it's even different

KDE is great because it's an integrated DE : all apps use the same graphical 
API, they can use kios, communicate with one another using dcop, etc.
I find it would be great if KDE would set a standard for default shortcuts, so 
users can easily feel at home in any KDE app, without having to learn tons of 
different shortcuts for different apps, or reset all the settings.

Do you think it would be possible to agree on this kind of standards as 
development guidelines?



Raphaël Pinson
<raphink at>
Ubuntu - Linux for Human Beings

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