focus visualisation for KDE 4

Peter Simonsson peter.simonsson at
Wed Sep 21 10:58:31 CEST 2005

2005/9/21, jan.muehlig <jan.muehlig at>:
> Something that must be done on libs or qt level, but not in the hig:
> it seems that there is no consistent way (or any at all) how the area
> that has the focus is visualised in KDE. Take e.g. Kontact, and you use
> the tab key: How do you know where the current focus is, and thus: where
> e.g. your arrow keys effect.
> it also seems that neither gnome nor windowsxp do this. gnome only marks
> the button that would respond to "enter" action. If you take e.g.
> nautilus, you never know when the focus is on the main pane (the folders
> and document pane). same with windows.
> macosx does it, by drawing a tiny rectangle around the pane that has the
> focus. this is the behavior and visualisation i would suggest for kde4.
> any comments? rejections? suggestions? implementation suggestions?

Hmm I think it's actually up to the style to implement this, but I'm 100% sure.
Peter Simonsson

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