HIG meeting in Malaga, September 1st

Olaf Jan Schmidt ojschmidt at kde.org
Sun Sep 4 18:22:44 CEST 2005


I am not subscribed to kde-usability-devel, so I am replying out of thread.

The time I can spend for KDE and for the HCI workgroup is limited, so I am 
happy that Kenneth has stepped up. I am, however, uncomfortable with choosing 
the chair before discussing how the workgroup will work. The style of 
cooperation is more important to me than the persons. I feel uneasy about 
starting the workgroup discussion by picking the chair first.

KDE currently has a very flat hierarchy. I want to keep this and decide and 
discuss as much as possible on the relevant mailinglists for the topic 
itself. The flat hierarchy also means that I see the chair as a coordinator 
and common voice rather then the one deciding how the workgroup will work. 
For this reason I suggest to postpone the decision about the chair until we 
know who will be involved in the workgroup and what the ideas of the members 

Together with Gunnar I agreed to find people for this workgroup. In the last 
days I have spoken to as many people from the various HCI subprojects as 
possible. Unfortunately Kenneth is one of the few people that I missed, so I 
don't know his ideas. The people who know him describe him as the right 
person for the job, so I will probably be more than happy to support him as 
the workgroup chair at a later point of the process.


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