A whole new round of Plasmoid testing \o/

David Edmundson david at davidedmundson.co.uk
Tue Nov 6 04:41:47 UTC 2012

The plasma team have a whole new set of rewritten plasmoids that are
being prepared for merge into master:

These include:
 - rewritten kickoff applet
 - rewritten calculator applet
 - rewritten comic applet
 - rewritten notifications applet (already merged?)
 - rewritten sys tray(?)

On initial inspection, there are a _LOT_ of regressions. To an end
user this will just seem like a step backwards with no benefits

Marco Martin put out an email (on the plasma ML) asking people to test
the new kickoff plasmoid, it would be good to have some people here
help out too. There's not been a specific call for testing on the
other proposed rewrites, but we can do so anyway.

When it's in review for merge is the perfect time to get testing
going. If we do it now, we can maybe say "These things need fixing,
otherwise it will have to wait till 4.11". If we do it after merge,
we've got no options and everyone will just get angry at each other.

Instructions for project-neon users:

(assuming you have a working neon install set up already. You don't
have to be running it)

sudo apt-get build-dep project-neon-kde-workspace
git clone kde:kde-workspace
cd kde-workspace
git checkout kickoff-qml
(make a cup of tea)
plasmoidviewer launcher

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