4.9 Beta Phase is approaching: what needs to be done?

yahoo-pier_andreit pier_andreit at yahoo.it
Thu May 10 11:36:34 UTC 2012

> I wrote a blog about that as well:
> http://blogs.fsfe.org/myriam/2011/10/when-is-a-bug-report-useful/ it
> has quite a few links at the bottom that are useful.
> Regards, Myriam

dear myriam, I red your blog, as I haven't been able to write in it I 
tell you here, about this:

> 3. The subject and comment must be in English…

That excludes most international users as possible bug reporters. I know 
the developers cannot do much a respect, but its a pity.

     myriam says:
     20/10/2011 at 1:13 pm

     Well, we simply can’t change that. Also, a user must be able to 
give feedback in English. As I said, English is the language most used 
in computing and all developers can read and understand it.

an alternative could be to insert a language flag, like the status or 
product(, where can be inserted the language, this can be done by the 
submitter or the triager, if can argue which language is used otherwise 
the unknown can be used, this can be useful for somebody who want help, 
he can filter for example the Italian language and add a translation of 
it and change the language to english, or filter the unknown to find the 
proper language, what do you think about?

one more, is possible to add some numbers about the time? something like :
240 average hours to solve a bug
350 average hours to be contacted by a developer after have subitted a bug
25 average hours to triage a bug

manythanks, ciao , Pier

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