The point of Extra Mile.

dE . de.techno at
Wed Dec 5 14:29:45 UTC 2012

As a long time KDE user (since 4.4), the extra mile project doesn't make 
much sense to me.

Apparently 'Small bugs' don't 'exist' they pop up with each new release.

So if these small bugs are fixed today, what's the use? New ones will 
pop up tomorrow.

Also, this problem appears to be prominently with just 2 projects -- KDE 
and Libreoffice (with MS office filters especially).

So I'd suggest a longer Debain like release cycle, 6 months release 
cycle is simply not enough for a mammoth project like this.

Or maybe, don't release the stable one until all regressions in the 
bugzilla are gone.

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