Trying to make a SIP call with ktp on Kubuntu Trusty

Julius Schwartzenberg julius.schwartzenberg at
Wed Jul 2 20:47:16 UTC 2014

Julius Schwartzenberg wrote:
> David Edmundson wrote:
>> Theoretically changing to phonon-vlc so it doesn't bring in any other
>> random gstreamer nonsense might work...not sure.
> I just installed phonon-vlc and it's using that as the default now, but
> it doesn't seem to make a difference.

I just tried it in a VM where I had only phonon-backed-vlc installed and
then I do get an error box "Making a call failed.".
Is there a recommended distro for KTP that I could try in a VM to see it

>> If you're willing to compile things,
> I'll try to see how far I will get with the compilation. But it would be
> nice to have a PPA. It seems sad it's broken by default on the fresh
> Kubuntu LTS release now.

On IRC I said I'd still reply about this. I managed to get a working
call, but no audio was getting through. It seems that just signalling is
working on my main system.

Best regards,

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