The 0.7 thread

Daniele E. Domenichelli daniele.domenichelli at
Wed Mar 27 11:33:02 UTC 2013

On 27/03/13 11:20, Martin Klapetek wrote:
>> [General]
>> * Cleanup/Stabilize/Improve Documentation/Unit Tests at least part of
>> the API A.K.A. "The ABI Normal Project"[1]
>> * Move all non-stable classes to a KTp::priv namespace and build them as
>> a separate library.
>> * Install CMake files to find KTp
>> * Qt5/KF5/C++11 porting
> Might be too soon for this^ for 0.7

You mean just the Qt5/KF5/C++11 porting or all of the above items?
Perhaps it is too early, but it's worth to investigate if there is
something we need...
For example we might need some hook in KApplication for KTp::Application[1].


>> * Make the chat widget a kpart
>> * Make the contact list widget a kpart
> Do we have any actual use for these^ two or just "because it's cool"? ;)
> (I'm all for it)

Because it's cool! :D
And of course, because when I play a DBusTube game I want to chat with
my friend.
For the contact list, I cannot think a real use case actually, I was
thinking about a widget that shows the contacts in a group channel and
that has the features of the contact list, including toolbar buttons, etc.

> Can we make this one repo/package, something like ktp-tools? Currently
> we are packagers' nightmare and I don't want to make their nightmares
> any worse.

Ok repo-packages requires some love (that obviously will cause hate on
the packagers side).

I'm not sure for packagers if it is easier to handle different several
packages, but I think that a meta-package is the way to go...

Anyway besides the meta-package, we have some grouping problems:

There are different options:
1) group handlers and initiators (i.e. ktp-dialout-ui and ktp-call-ui)
2) keep them separates (i.e. ktp-filetransfer-handler and ktp-send-file)
3) initiator is a widget in ktp-common (i.e. join-chat-room and ktp-text-ui)
4) no initiator (started from some other place) (i.e. single chat)

For example, at the moment the presence plasmoid checks if
"ktp-dialout-ui" is installed, and if it is, it assumes that also the
call ui is installed.
This is not good for the filetransfer, because we have ft-handler and
send-file in 2 separate repositories, and to be honest I'm happy with
that. We should always check using the desktop files, and not the
executable (one might install some other handler instead of the call ui
and won't be able to start it).

My vote goes to having a ktp-tools repository with the initiators (that
could be just tiny "wrappers" over a dialog in common-internals, so that
they can be used as widgets) and some extra tool (add-contact,
ktp-paste-contact) and have the tools as runtime dependency.

>> [Playground]
>> * Zeitgeist
> Needs full list of what we want to do with it and how. Seif is happy to
> help us upstream.

I put it in the "Playground" with the idea to "start playing with it",
I'm sure we will come with several ideas as soon as we get acquainted it.

>> * Web Accounts
> This^ requires a meeting with xclaessee and afiestas, anyone interested?
> I'll set it up.

What's the reason for the meeting? By the way, nobody ever told me what
to do with the requirements we discussed at Akademy with the PIM people,
I still have on my red book.


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