Review Request 111228: Switch ContactsModel between legacy mode and KPeople powered

David Edmundson david at
Mon Jul 8 11:38:59 UTC 2013

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(Updated July 8, 2013, 11:38 a.m.)


This change has been marked as submitted.

Review request for Telepathy.


Switch ContactsModel between legacy mode and KPeople powered

Include a proxy model that translates between KPeople and KTp roles so that it can seemlessly support the two


It includes copied ktptranslationproxymodel, but renamed as it doesn't make sense to call it the KTp translation inside KTp.

Code is pushed to kpeople branch.

I want Martin to cherry-pick (w. review) useful commits on the contact-list from his branch into master till things vaguely work. 


  CMakeLists.txt a83069d59fed945d04560662e3a307ef33b28332 
  KTp/Models/CMakeLists.txt 720a5b02465b825b08d12d7c43342ad1ba69c9d1 
  KTp/Models/contacts-model.cpp 9506151f5489d9a3f80f184834da26cb90141f3c 
  KTp/Models/kpeopletranslationproxy.h PRE-CREATION 
  KTp/Models/kpeopletranslationproxy.cpp PRE-CREATION 



Opened regular ktp-contact-list.

It was trying to show things from PersonModel. It was a bit broken, unsurprisingly, as the old delegates don't support Person rows. 

For some reason presence icons and avatars don't appear. This implies the translation proxy must be broken, as if we have to change the delegates, then it won't work with the legacy model. Filteringrtin

Tried running contact list plasmoid, (as that should 'just work') however we no longer have anything exposing rolenames so it doesn't work. Needs exposing into some way that can be shared. (moving setRoleNames from ContactsListModel to ContactsModel should suffice)


David Edmundson

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