Component Maintainers

David Edmundson david at
Wed Jun 20 22:41:37 UTC 2012

As part of my new hobby of meddling in plasma, we decided they need to
work on is a list of "who is the maintainer for which component", so
I'm having a trial run with KTp.

Could everyone look over this and check you agree with everything there.

To anyone who's not on this list, this doesn't mean you're work isn't
valued -  Puneet G, Dominik K,  Rohan G and Thor to name just a few.
It really is, just not what in the category of "senior dev" who can
make large design choices (yet!). Obviously if you disagree, let me
know. Also lets try to keep this up to date, as people leave and
others take over more things.

I think it's quite interesting to see which components don't have a
large number of maintainers, these are places where it's probably a
good idea to focus on bringing in different developers and making sure
they're "trained" on it.


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