KDE Telepathy 0.3.1

Daniele E. Domenichelli daniele.domenichelli at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 09:27:56 UTC 2012

On 16/02/12 19:51, David Edmundson wrote:
> We have plenty of bug fixes already, can we roll the patch release next week?

I don't see so many bug fixes (see later), are you guys sure that you 
fixed the bugs in the kde-telepathy-0.3 branch and not in master? If not 
please be sure to cherry-pick the bugfix commits in the stable branch 
before the release.

Are we going to release everything again or only the repositories that 
contain bug-fixes? What about translations?



This is a list of the bug-fixes excluding scripty "made messages" 
commits and a few other unuseful commits (cmake, git and reviewboard stuff):

* ktp-accounts-kcm
bb1e2cb Allow creation of already existing accounts

* ktp-kded-module
15767db make kde_tp_filter_contacts_by_publication_status static
0f4e68c Fix the kded module appearing as "Not Running" in the service

* ktp-text-ui
2918ef1 Fix crash when loading logs from group chats
4f7920d Use KTp::ServiceAvailabilityChecker to check if krfb is
4d40164 Use PREFERRED_RFB_HANDLER instead of string
ec32f25 Tidy up the log loader, and fix all associated crashes
9302501 Clarify license in fadomatic in renkoo theme
0ffbac8 Fix encoding in license file

The following repositories contain updated translations for .desktop files:
* ktp-approver
* ktp-contact-applet
* ktp-contact-list
* ktp-presence-applet
* ktp-send-file

The following repositories have just one commit "update .reviewboardrc 
after renaming", so it is useless to ship new tarballs for those:
* ktp-auth-handler
* ktp-common-internals
* ktp-filetransfer-handler

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