Are telepathy-kde-contactlist icon's correct?

Alin Marin Elena alinm.elena at
Wed May 25 12:22:39 CEST 2011

> If we release those icons together with kde-telepathy before the
> oxygen theme version that contains these icons has been released, then
> we create a problem for packagers (and users who will think this is
> the packagers' fault) when the new oxygen version gets released,
> because those icons will be provided by two packages. Therefore, the
> names should be changed, unless we remove them before the release...

iirc only the hi icons shall be released by us... it was my mistake to push it 
there... the best would be to remove the kde-telepathy and telepathy...

the issue I see... is that packages would be prepared against kde 4.7bx, iirc 
4.7 is a minimum requirement... however not all icons will be there... 
for the missing ones I will prepare a patch for the contact-list that adds the 
missing icons... so they get provided only if needed...


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