Releasing KDE Telepathy In May

Rohan Garg rohangarg at
Wed May 11 23:07:57 CEST 2011

> Misc:
> Shadeslayer is working on a new presence selection/dialog editing thing,
> which looks really pretty cool. I'd like to have this in our first release.
I worked on this tonight and you can see the results here[1] and
here[2]. The only thing that is left is a) Writing these custom
statuses to a config file and b) reading from the config file and
adding the values to the Popup for each and every account. Right now
i'm having a hard time figuring out what to use as a unique key for
adding or deleting statuses ( maybe a unique account id + the status
itself? but that becomes quite huge ). Please let me know what you
guys think of the dialog there.I'll be pushing my work into a clone
tomorrow so that you can fully try out the code.


Rohan Garg

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