Releasing KDE Telepathy In May

Daniele E. Domenichelli daniele.domenichelli at
Wed May 11 19:03:16 CEST 2011

On 05/11/2011 06:09 PM, David Edmundson wrote:
> *270672: Channelhandler daemon for file transfers  
> *
> Dr Danz started this, hit some issues which means we'll only get working
> support in Jabber. Also requires a change in TpQt4. We can't ship until
> this change is merged into TpQt4 and they make a release. This is
> probably going to be the biggest hold-up.
> Could we try and make sure any work gets pushed to somewhere on kde git.

This is the blocking bug in TpQt4:

I can work on that bug, but I require some feedback from TpQt4 developers.
oggis_, andrunko: ping ^ :D

Moreover the only connection managers that support the URI property at
the moment seem to be gabble and salut therefore, file transfer will be
supported only by those connection managers (unless we add some sort of
ugly hack).

Most of the handler is already written, therefore I believe that if
TpQt4 bug is resolved we can ship it with the first release.

By the way, as discussed on irc, I'm implementing it as a one-shot file
transfer handler (no daemon), therefore as soon as the channel is
received it will unregister from D-Bus and start the file transfer and
exit as soon as it finishes.
If a new file transfer channel is received, a new instance of the file
transfer handler will be started by MC.

I believe that this is the best way to do it because:

1) A crash in one process won't kill all the other file transfers.
2) There is no daemon running all the time and no need to check if it
   is possible to exit or if there are more transfers running.
3) There shouldn't be racing condition with handler exiting/new file
   transfers channel sent by MC (I'm not sure if there could be a
   racing condition with handler unregistering/new file transfer
   channel sent by MC).

If someone believes that this is wrong or has anything to tell about
this issue, please speak now... :D

> *270673: Support FileTransfer channel types  [ in approver]
> *
> I've not heard of any work on this. Probably waiting on the
> channelhandler. I think it's pretty trivial though.

I started writing that, and I believe that also George K. started, but
the main issue for this is that popup notifications can be hidden by the


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