Review of Contact List Code

Martin Klapetek martin.klapetek at
Thu Mar 10 14:53:28 CET 2011

2011/3/10 David Edmundson <david at>

> This is really just for people working on the contact list.
> I've been doing a few minor edits on it recently and there is a lot of code
> that really needs tidying up before it can be merged. I thought I would
> highlight these here so we can all work on that, and get it fixed soon.
> 1) Coding Style
> We follow this
> In particular
> if (something) { <- brace on the end of the line. Always put the brace,
> even if it's for 1 line.
> }

Yes, I'm following this now with new code. Though I want to do a major code
polishing before merging it to the main tree. So all the code will follow
the kde style in the end (and I'n also trying to replace it whenever I see
it in the code I'm working with)

> --------
> 2) Don't hardcode fonts and colours in the delegate code.
> If you write font.setSize(10); that doesn't work if someone has vision
> issues or even just owns a massive resolution monitor.
> Use KGlobalSettings::smallestReadableFont()
>  - and its equivalents for other fonts.


> With this sizeHint code needs to be more complex, and use font metric
> information to work out the minimum height the box needs to be.

Well the minimum size is determined by the icon size, so as long as we use
constat icon size, we can leave the minimum size same as the icon size (+
some padding). Though it makes sense to return bigger sizeHint in case of
bigger fonts. I'll try to take care of this.

> Same for colours. If you switch your colour scheme in systemsettings to
> "Obsidian Coast" a dark colour scheme, your delegate with the hardcoded
> background colour stands out really obviously as being wrong.
> QPalette should have everything you need.

Ah, I didn't thought about that. Very good point, thanks. I'll work on this
as well.

> ---------
> 3) Looking at whether the alias is blank or not seems a slightly hacky way
> to try and separate headings in the model from contacts.
> I'm not sure what a better approach is, but there must be one.
Well the AliasRole is classified as a contact role, so it *should* be
non-empty only if the current item is contact. I have to look at the Tp-Qt4
Yell how they handle this.

> --------
> Overall it's still pretty awesome, hopefully this will speed up the process
> of having it merged into the real master.

> I'm happy to help with any of these.

You could do something about those fonts and the sizeHint() ;)

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