A simple request from a simple guy

Francesco Nwokeka francesco.nwokeka at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 17:31:30 CET 2011

Hello to all devs!
	I'm new to telepathy so let me introduce myself. I'm an anglo-italian( can you say that? ) 
student from Italy and I'm currently finishing my studies at the university of Padova ( software 
developer ).
I'm writing to tell you about a problem that doesn't affect me alone, but all those people who want 
to contribute to a project that's already started and quite big.

This problem is getting to know the code. The eyes of a new contributor are different from those of 
the devs who started the project. We "new ones" have to get to know how the data is handled, which 
classes do what and so on. This problem can be avoided with well commented code. Even little things 
help so that instead of reading the whole function, you can eaisily tell what a certain function 
does by simply reading its comment.

I'm not telling off anybody because I'm in no position to do so, but I think it would ease things for 
everyone because once telepathy becomes really-big and it's code is not well commented, i doubt new 
contributers will find their way easily around the project.
For what I know that's the major problem when starting to patch new code for an open source project.

So please don't be offended by this mail, it's just my opinion and as I already said, i'm not writing 
to tell anyone off, but to make a suggestion that in my opinion can make life easier for everyone :)

	Francesco Nwokeka

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