When do I disconnect? Or, research on the "disconnect on close" issue

Francesco Nwokeka francesco.nwokeka at gmail.com
Fri Jun 17 23:23:48 CEST 2011

On Wednesday 27 April 2011 17:33:27 Dario Freddi wrote:
> On Wednesday 27 April 2011 16:24:46 George Goldberg wrote:
> > That bug report has a description of what is needed to solve this
> > problem properly. It also says Dario volunteered to implement it, so
> > I'll leave it to him to comment on how far he's got with that.
> > Upstream aren't going to implement it - it's down to us to make it
> > happen (including any changes to upstream projects (mission-control
> > etc)).
> Erm, wait - I did not actually volunteer to implement it, but I was waiting
> for news like David was to be honest, there was probably a
> misunderstanding. That said, I can look into the issue indeed.

Hi guys. I have a solution that may be quite simple and would release us from the pain of having to 
do who knows what kind of c++/dbus kde ass kicking mc guyver magic.

Why don't we simply show a dialog box on the contactlist exit that asks the user : "You are about to 
close the contact list. Do you want to disconnect too?" with a checkbox for keeping that setting 
effective all times.

What do you say?

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