Plasma Chat widget

George Brooke george+kde.telepathy at
Mon Aug 1 22:37:33 UTC 2011

On Monday 01 August 2011 18:41:46 Lasath Fernando wrote:
> Hey,
> Since replacing KNotify messages for incoming chats was put on hold
> till after the whole desktop summit thing, I'd like to get back to the
> original idea I wanted to make.
> Since I quite like chatting with people while I work, I find it
> obtrusive/annoying to have to switch to a separate window and then
> switch back to my work.
> I noticed however that gmail and facebook have tackled this problem
> quite well, so I kind of borrowed a solution from them.
> My proposal is this :
> A plasma widget that sits in a panel (One per contact, users can
> choose who they want) that pops up when clicked.
This sounds good, what I'd like would be to have a single plasmoid which would 
add an icon (similar to the ones in your plan) for each conversation which can 
be removed (say with a close button on the right of where you have the pop-out 
button) when you've finished with it or pinned into place to behave closer to 
your plan.

Obviously this is just a suggestion and may not fit in with your ideas, but I 
think that if this was implemented I'd probably use it more than the full 
chat. It'd be nice if, even if you don't like this idea yourself, you could 
bear it in mind when designing your dataengine or plugin so that (if I 
understand correctly) a plasmoid implementing this idea could make use of it 
rather than having to duplicate that code.


George B

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