Consolidated Window for Voip+Video+Chat

Bogdan Bivolaru bogdan.bivolaru at
Mon Aug 1 05:48:39 UTC 2011

I'm not sure if this is the right time to bring this subject up, but
from what I've read on ,

<<* A chat window application. This will be a standalone application
providing just the chat window. When a new chat starts, it will be
auto-launched via D-Bus service activation and allow you to chat.
* A VoIP call window application. This will again be a standalone
application providing the call window, also auto-launched to handle
calls. This is actually KCall, what I wrote in last year’s summer of
code, but it won’t have the contact list and won’t be named “KCall”.>>

I understand that voip+video will have a separate window from the chat window.
Since there are 2 separate applications each will have its own window
and it would be hard to integrate the two apps into a single window.
Still, please consider if there is any way to have a single window to
interact with a contact - perhaps have an option to integrate voip +
video calls controls into the chat tab.

Please let me know if you think this makes sense for Telepathy KDE
Users and if it is possible.

This is how it works in Yahoo Messenger , but AFAIK
YM does not have tabbed chats so this may not make sense from a design
POV for Telepathy KDE.

So please let me know what you think about this design idea.

"The best way to predict the future is to invent it.", 1971, Alan Kay:

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