KF5/Frameworks patch

Michael Abrahams miabraha at gmail.com
Wed Aug 5 02:27:42 UTC 2015


To learn more about the KDE frameworks I decided to port your application
to KF5.  I think as far as these things go it was relatively
straightforward.  I had very little to do that was not listed in these
porting notes.


This was the result of my attempting changes and running the porting
scripts until everything compiled and worked successfully.  There were no
intermediate stages which were successful.  So unfortunately I was not able
to decompose this into smaller individual patches.

I am able to build, install and use Simon built with KF5/Frameworks.
The major issues that remain are:
1) The Plasma widget needs to be significantly rewritten. I set USE_PLASMA
= false for the time being.  Instructions for this are in the porting
notes.  I am not familiar with QML so I could not do it myself.
2) All tests are turned off. I have not checked whether they can be

3) Default configuration file locations may not work correctly.  There is a
lot of code repetition with code like
QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DataLocation) +
QLatin1Char('/') + "model"));

and I think it would be better to refactor these calls before verifying
everything or invoking the Kdelibs4ConfigMigrator.

4) Quite a lot of simple additional migrations can be done.  KPushButton
gives hundreds of warnings and I think it should be easy to port with a

I hope this is useful to you.

Best regards,
Michael Abrahams

P.S. have you considered setting up Phabricator? It is a very nice way to
do code review and task management.  http://phabricator.kde.org
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