Qt5.x IVI Speech Recognition

Peter Grasch peter at grasch.net
Wed Apr 16 10:42:19 UTC 2014


On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 01:30:55 PM Ramakanthreddy Kesireddy wrote:
> If am not mistaken, I need to build the same using build.sh  script.
> Am not sure about build time dependencies though. We are planning to use
> Julius installed on board.
Please review the output of the build script. Also, there is a bit of 
documentation about building from source on userbase.kde.org/Simon (Setting up 
a Development Environment).

> Incase if VR is expected to be running all time onboard for some usecases,
> what would be the additional tasks?
You'll be dealing with a tremendous amount of noise then. In that case it 
makes sense to add a binary classification filter layer to the system (think of 
"Okay Google" in current Android versions). If that is *also* not an option, 
you will need an extremely robust speech model.

Best regards,

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