[kde-solaris] kde31 packages for sparc ready

Bart Whiteley kde-solaris@mail.kde.org
Tue Feb 18 20:08:04 2003

On Tue, Feb 18, 2003 at 07:48:43PM +0100, Magnus Larsson wrote:
> 1)
> I have some problems with kdesktop_lock.
> I can lock the desktop but when I try to login again it only replies
> "login failed".

When you try to log in again, or when you try to unlock the 
desktop?  Is kcheckpass SUID root?  run kcheckpass in a konsole
and see what happens. 

Bart Whiteley             Computer Scientist   voice: (925) 423-2249
National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center   FAX: (925) 423-8274
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory         email: whiteley2@llnl.gov
P.O. Box 808, Livermore, CA 94551-0808         MS: L-103