[kde-solaris] KDE 3.1.4 binary packageing

Lars Tunkrans lars.tunkrans at bredband.net
Tue Dec 16 21:19:18 CET 2003


    I am downloading Stefans kde3.1.4 port at the moment....

   Two initial comments:

    1.  I dont think that the packages should have names
        starting with "SUNW"  that gives the impression
        that they were produced by SUN.
        SUNW  is  really the NASDAQ SUN stock tradelabel.

        When I glance through a pkginfo-dump  on any system I
        assume that all packages starting with "SUNW"  are
        made by SUN corp.

    2. Stefan ,  when you have made a package with pkgmk,
       please  run  pkgtrans(1)  on the package , to
       pack it into a single file instead of tar(1).

       Pkgtrans converts the package into datastream
       format which is directly installable with pkgadd.

       The use of Tar here only comsumes twice the amount
       of diskspace  and  time while untaring the tarballs.

       As the packages are binary format they are not going to be
       usefully untarred on any other platform than
       SPARC/Solaris. Pkgtrans as a packaging tool will
       save time and space for the installer.

   I'll have some more comments later.


Lars Tunkrans

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