Requirements regarding Developer account applications

Ben Cooksley bcooksley at
Tue Apr 24 07:39:11 UTC 2018

Hi all,

The following is mandatory reading for all mentors and students
participating in this year's Summer of Code program. It should be read
in full.

Traditionally one of the many things mentors ask students to do
following their successful selection as students in GSoC is to apply
for a developer account, a process which results in Sysadmin receiving
a large number of requests which have to be processed.

To minimize the load created by this, it is important that the
following is observed:

1) Students should only file an application when explicitly instructed
to do so by their mentor. Acceptance as a student does not
automatically grant you the right to receive an account.

2) The mentor(s) of a student are required to be the supporter of a
students developer account and this must be filled in when the
application is made. This is necessary as Sysadmin does not have
access to the records of who the accepted students are, or who the
mentors of those students are.

Tracking this information down, and then following up with individual
mentors adds processing time to the request which quickly adds up.

3) Once an application has been filed, mentors will receive an
automated email requesting their confirmation of this status. They are
requested to respond to this email without delay.

Responsiveness on the part of mentors is important as unresponsive
supporters have to be followed up by Sysadmin, which once again can
quickly become a time expensive exercise.

If your student has filed the request prematurely then please let us
know and we will decline the request. They can re-file an application
once it has been marked as declined at a later date.

Ben Cooksley
KDE Sysadmin

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