GSoC application deadline approaches

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at
Thu Mar 30 23:22:03 UTC 2017

Hello students,

If you are planning to apply for GSoC as a KDE student, by now you
should be in good communication with the team with which you plan to
work. You should be subscribed to their list(s) as well as KDE-devel,
you should have a draft of your application online where the team can
help you improve it, and you should have some commits done or at least
in work.

The deadline for completing your application on the GSoC website is
April 3rd. It is *highly suggested* that you have everything uploaded
by April 2nd, in case there are problems with the website. You can
always re-upload your final application if there is time before the
website stops accepting them.


Please don't ask us or the GSoC staff to help with late applications;
there is no help available. Remember, this includes uploading your
proof of student status.

Are you having difficulties with any part of this? You can ask
kde-soc-management at if you don't want to ask here. Please don't
reply to me privately. The management list is only seen by the GSoC

All the best,



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