Regarding KDE soc and Gsoc

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at
Wed Jun 7 22:22:55 UTC 2017

On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 4:32 AM, Shashwat Mishra
<shashwatmishra76 at> wrote:
> Hello.I am new to the open source world.Well I wanted to know what is the
> exact procedure to get selected in KDE soc or GSoc?

To add to what Kevin said, we do have the Season of KDE coming up.
This is a smaller program with no funding attached, but there is a
cool tshirt and certificate! Again, you come up with your own proposal
which you should craft with the assistance of the team you want to
work with. Within that team, we'll find you a mentor. If you are
interested in doing such a project later this summer, please begin to
work on your proposal now.

If you need advice about whom to talk with or how to contact them,
please ask here. Your fellow students can help you with this, and we
(mentors and admins) will chime in if needed as well.



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