Project proposal for Season of KDE

Harshit Dwivedi manasbagula at
Tue Oct 20 18:55:59 UTC 2015

Hello Everyone,

I would like to send my proposal for SOK . Please try and consider it.

*Name*: Harshit Dwivedi

*Country*: India

*Project Title*: Porting to KF5

*Project Description*: I have looked into KDF and i think i can try and
port it to KF5 with support and help of mentor. First I will start with
Build System then moving on to UI, then to KDE Core where i might need some

*I also wanted to know whether this project is currently active or not, as
the last commit to this was about 6 months ago.*

*Technical Requirements:* Qt, QML, KF5

*Time-line*: My availability and other commitments during period: I have my
papers from 20th November to 25th December so i will not be available
during this period but after that period I will be fully committed to KDE
Project. Firstly I will be moving on with porting of build system and then
moving on to port with support of KDE4LibsSupport and porting UI afterwords.

*Why me*: I have past experience in contributing to various OSS like
Cyanogenmod and i am comfortable with OOPs, algorithms and Qt.

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