And now for something completely meta

Mohammed Nafees nafees.technocool at
Thu Nov 6 12:40:45 UTC 2014

Hey Valorie!

I will be glad to help you get the proper data about the previous GCI
winners since I am connected to almost all of them. Would you like me to
contact each one of them and tell them about this database?


On Thu Nov 06 2014 at 4:01:02 PM Valorie Zimmerman <
valorie.zimmerman at> wrote:

> I think my ask wasn't very precise. The information I've found so far is
> here:
> What I would like for each student eventually is contact information,
> years contributing to KDE, and perhaps some of their roles in KDE.
> For some students, I don't even have a name, just a nick as listed in
> Melange. Some mentors will have kept in touch with former students I
> hope, and many former students are now mentors. Tonight I've been
> trying to add a tag to each entry, and regularize each entry to
> YearContest,studentname,Project,mentor. I've not finished that work,
> or started digging up names and projects for SoK, much less GCi.
> However, when all that is done, I think this could be useful.
> On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 2:51 PM, Valorie Zimmerman
> <valorie.zimmerman at> wrote:
> > Hi folks, I'm going to be at the LISA conf next week, staffing a KDE
> > booth. One of the subjects we want to present is our mentoring
> > projects. Carl will give a talk and wants some facts and maybe success
> > stories. I started by gathering the names (or just GSoC nick) of all
> > our GSoC students in a list, which is really impressive.
> >
> > As this list grew, and I wondered about making this into a proper
> > database which we can use for a few purposes beyond one talk. I'd like
> > to see a series of actions take place, ideally.
> >
> > 1. complete db of our mentoring projects, including how long previous
> > students stay active with KDE, and the success of their project
> > 2. ability to keep it updated year after year
> > 3. ability to query former students for feedback
> >
> > Is anybody interested in helping me with this? I've not started to
> > look for previous SoK  or GCi students yet, or how their projects
> > fared. I'm also terrible with spreadsheets. So far the data I've got
> > is in a simple text file, which of course I'm willing to share.
> >
> > Valorie
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