kamion status report

Milan Mitrovic milhouse at bankerinter.net
Mon Aug 22 05:29:18 CEST 2005


This has been a busy week (and a few days on top). I have finished working on 
packaging and extraction. By the end of the week I will finish resource 
installation, and I hope to finish the rest of the required functionality so 
the project gets rated as successfull *coughs*

I still have a few silly problems hanging around, like for example, writing to 
config files. This somehow refuses to work. isReadOnly returns false, 
configFileWritable returns true, and everything else I could think of 
checking looks fine, but the file still doesn't get written.

I've been focused on finishing the functionality so I've been doing just 
enough to make it work. As a result of that I have a growing list of things 
that have to be done to put the program in good shape. I've found that I have 
a much better understanding of the requirements with the functionality almost 
in place (build one to throw away?) I really look forward to refactoring 
because I think I will be able to produce a much cleaner solution to the 
problem (and something that people will actually want to use)

Milan Mitrovic
|  roses are #FF0000  |
| violets are #0000FF |
|     all my base     |
|  are belong to you  |

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