[kde-services-devel] Fwd: If you want to throw a few openID related things at me.

D.J. Capelis djcapelis at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 01:25:40 CEST 2007

On 7/31/07, Josef Spillner <spillner at kde.org> wrote:
> [...continuing at the services list...]
> Oi,
> On Tuesday 31 July 2007 03:11:16 D.J. Capelis wrote:
> > So I should have mentioned...  I work for University of California,
> > San Diego and part of my work includes identity management and
> > authentication.
> What's your role there - a sysadmin or a PhD student or something else?

I'm programmer/analyst on the network and data security team as well
as a BS student here.  So this particular work would be in the
sysadmin universe and not the research universe. :)

> [...pam_webform...]
> > The cool part about all this is we're
> > planning to try and detect user's cookie stores to push the cookies
> > out into the browser as well.  This means that when we get this thing
> > rolling, they'll be able to login, fire up their browser, add and drop
> > classes, and use the OpenIDs provided by our openid server, all having
> > entered their password only once.
> Yep, that's exactly the design I've chosen for OpenDesktopID. You can find it
> in playground/libs/webtech in KDE SVN. It might or might not produce good
> results for you. In particular, I based it on KDE 3's kcookiejar which uses
> DCOP, whereas in KDE 4 a D-Bus interface is available. At some point I gave
> up its on D-Bus integration because all current D-Bus browsers suck :-)
> But I didn't give up on the project, and I'm glad to hear that there are
> similar concepts developed elsewhere.

I prefer DCOP over DBUS myself, I looked a bit at the OpenDesktopID
thing, it looks cool.  I'm trying to make the pam module pretty
portable (to solaris, OSX and elsewhere though) so I'm not sure
whether or not we'll be able to make these projects share too much
code... but I'm going to have to look at it either way. :)

> We had a student thesis work going on here [I'm working at Dresden University
> of Technology] about IDMs and how to integrate those into SOAs, and it did in
> part consider Shibboleth. Ah, those great acronyms... but as long as it's
> somehow "service-oriented" another thesis or course project might come out of
> this. Where can I find more information about your system?

The system is not in a state where there's that much information to
mention about it.  Mostly in my head right now, trying to put it into
code this summer.

> > I'm not sure what you mean by demo application... but if you folks
> > need OpenID plugins/modules/patches developed for some off-the-shelf
> > apps out there that don't have them, this is something I think I could
> > help with as well since increasing the amount of OpenID apps generally
> > is something we want to do over here anyways. :)
> Yay.
> > Maybe we can start a list of things that are looking for OpenID or PAM
> > authentication mechanisms on techbase or somewhere?  Maybe there's a
> > more appropriate location?
> Techbase is very suitable for this. Especially since it's a topic where you
> often go "oh, that app should have it"... and can quickly add it before it
> gets forgotten.
> > If perhaps I should be bothering the free desktop guys instead of you
> > folks (I know there's some overlap...) then let me know.
> Well, freedesktop.org is not often intended to be a desktop development
> direction on its own. Rather, it is based on good ideas from the KDE, GNOME
> and auxiliar camps. Implementing it for KDE, verifying it as a good thing and
> then approaching freedesktop.org is a common process.
> Josef
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