[Kde-scm-interest] Migration of KDESDK to git

Jeremy Whiting jpwhiting at kde.org
Wed May 16 19:00:04 UTC 2012

Hi Friedrich,

Thanks for revitalizing this discussion and project.

On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 9:50 AM, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
<kossebau at kde.org> wrote:
> Hi, especially Nicolás and Jeremy,
> so far it seems everyone is looking forward to seeing the migration of kdesdk
> to git finally happen, good :)
> Am Dienstag, 8. Mai 2012, 17:11:51 schrieb Friedrich W. H. Kossebau:
>> While there have been two threads about this on this list,
>> "migration of kdesdk to git - status?" from 18.12.2010 and
>> "Idea: Converting KDESDK incrementally" from 28.03.2011, so far
>> nothing has happened, besides Kate and kdesrc-build having moved out
>> of KDESDK to other modules. I would like to change that and have something
>> happening :)
>> The gist from the threads is that
>> * the KDESDK module should be split into separate repos, as the single
>>   submodules do not have anything in common, like libs or stuff
>> * the whole of KDESDK should be moved to git in one step, to reduce the mess
>> for release managers, packagers and friends
>> Anyone disagrees?
>> Some brave people seem to have prepared set of rules for all the components
>> of the KDESDK module (thanks to them), see
>> https://projects.kde.org/projects/playground/sdk/kde-
>> ruleset/repository/revisions/master/show/kdesdk
>> What is the state of these rules? Can the result be checked somewhere?
> Those "brave people" are you, Nicolás and Jeremy :) Do you want to pick up
> your work again and be our experts in the kdesdk migration?

I would love to help out as I am able to.  Lots of stuff going on at
home so don't have a ton of time to devote to this, but I would like
to see it happen and can spare a few hours a week to help someone get
up to speed.

> I myself have not really followed any of the migrations to git, so have no
> real idea about the process. http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/MovetoGit only
> helped me a little. Do kdeedu or kdeutils or else have a log of their process
> which could be followed?
> I guess it's something like this:
> 1. Decide which repos should be created from which submodules
> 2. Write migration rules
> 3. Setup a test git server with resulting repos to check rules
> 4. Have everyone okay the rules
> 5. Migration!
>  a) Put writelock on module in svn
>  b) Create real repos by the rules
>  c) Configure EBN, API DOX, translations systems (what else?) for new repos
>  d) Put "Moved to git" note to module in svn
>  e) Enable write access to git modules
> Correct?

Yes, that's correct.  For 3 we have previously just used scratch repos
in git.kde.org.  No need to set up a separate git server.  Otherwise,
yes that looks like the process we've used in the past.

thanks again,

> Steps 1 and 4 are to be done basically by the maintainers of the stuff in
> kdesdk. For step 1, the continuation of the discussion about the splitup of
> module will happen next on the kdesdk-devel mailinglist (I still need to get a
> complete picture of all the stuff in kdesdk, if anyone else has that do not
> hesitate to start off), the result should end up on a wikipage.
> The other steps need to be done by people with migration experience and
> admins, here I hope for the help of e.g. Nicolás and Jeremy, as said above :)
> BTW, there is now an additional submodule since last week,
> "kdesdk/thumbnailers" which does not yet have rules.
> Cheers
> Friedrich
> PS: Sorry, am not available on IRC due to an unstable internet connection...

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