[Kde-scm-interest] Migration of KDESDK to git

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at kde.org
Wed May 16 15:50:44 UTC 2012

Hi, especially Nicolás and Jeremy,

so far it seems everyone is looking forward to seeing the migration of kdesdk 
to git finally happen, good :)

Am Dienstag, 8. Mai 2012, 17:11:51 schrieb Friedrich W. H. Kossebau:
> While there have been two threads about this on this list,
> "migration of kdesdk to git - status?" from 18.12.2010 and
> "Idea: Converting KDESDK incrementally" from 28.03.2011, so far
> nothing has happened, besides Kate and kdesrc-build having moved out
> of KDESDK to other modules. I would like to change that and have something
> happening :)
> The gist from the threads is that
> * the KDESDK module should be split into separate repos, as the single
>   submodules do not have anything in common, like libs or stuff
> * the whole of KDESDK should be moved to git in one step, to reduce the mess
> for release managers, packagers and friends
> Anyone disagrees?
> Some brave people seem to have prepared set of rules for all the components
> of the KDESDK module (thanks to them), see
> https://projects.kde.org/projects/playground/sdk/kde-
> ruleset/repository/revisions/master/show/kdesdk
> What is the state of these rules? Can the result be checked somewhere?

Those "brave people" are you, Nicolás and Jeremy :) Do you want to pick up 
your work again and be our experts in the kdesdk migration?

I myself have not really followed any of the migrations to git, so have no 
real idea about the process. http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/MovetoGit only 
helped me a little. Do kdeedu or kdeutils or else have a log of their process 
which could be followed?

I guess it's something like this:

1. Decide which repos should be created from which submodules
2. Write migration rules
3. Setup a test git server with resulting repos to check rules
4. Have everyone okay the rules
5. Migration!
  a) Put writelock on module in svn 
  b) Create real repos by the rules
  c) Configure EBN, API DOX, translations systems (what else?) for new repos
  d) Put "Moved to git" note to module in svn
  e) Enable write access to git modules

Steps 1 and 4 are to be done basically by the maintainers of the stuff in 
kdesdk. For step 1, the continuation of the discussion about the splitup of 
module will happen next on the kdesdk-devel mailinglist (I still need to get a 
complete picture of all the stuff in kdesdk, if anyone else has that do not 
hesitate to start off), the result should end up on a wikipage.

The other steps need to be done by people with migration experience and 
admins, here I hope for the help of e.g. Nicolás and Jeremy, as said above :)

BTW, there is now an additional submodule since last week, 
"kdesdk/thumbnailers" which does not yet have rules.


PS: Sorry, am not available on IRC due to an unstable internet connection...

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