[Kde-scm-interest] KDE Git hosting status update

Jeff Mitchell mitchell at kde.org
Fri Jun 11 14:27:37 CEST 2010

On 06/11/2010 04:34 AM, Eike Hein wrote:
> On 06/11/2010 10:24 AM, Johan Sørensen wrote:
>> That number is slightly off, as of right now the Gitorious application
>> itself is about 8690 LOC and 11582 lines of test code (both excluding
>> external dependencies (and newlines+comments)).
> The 250k number was a from a cloc run, which might be a dumb
> tool:
> $  cloc --no3 --exclude-dir=.git .
>     3625 text files.
>     3438 unique files.
>     1265 files ignored.
> http://cloc.sourceforge.net v 1.09  T=3.0 s (913.3 files/s, 112856.3
> lines/s)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Language                      files          blank        comment
>     code
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ruby                           2228          35865          41888
>   183867
> SQL                               9             24             14
>    25130
> Javascript                       58           2263           1536
>    14319
> HTML                            216           2868            192
>    14020
> CSS                              29           1398            472
>     8757
> YAML                            140            263            306
>     2282
> Bourne Shell                     23            179            284
>      935
> PHP                               2            194            175
>      827
> Ruby HTML                        33             68              5
>      306
> Bourne Again Shell                2              9             20
>      103
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> SUM:                           2740          43131          44892
>   250546
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> So, sorry for publishing bullshit numbers.

Well, according to cloc it's not bullshit. There's clearly a large
disconnect here between what cloc says and what the Gitorious guys are
saying -- by nearly two orders of magnitude. I'd be interested in
knowing if the Shortcut guys have an explanation for the huge difference.

>> Secondly, gitorious.org does in fact use the native git-daemon, but
>> the document seems to confuse cloning and pushing on a few occasions.
>> Pushing is entirely done through SSH and once the initial auth with
>> gitorious is done, it's passed along to the git machinery.
> The point was though that the script that gets called as login
> shell on SSH connect relies on the Rails process to be running,
> which is a pretty big affair, while gitolite doesn't have any
> continually running daemon process involved in push access.

I've read through the document a few times and don't see where there's
any confusion as to git daemons. Gitorious does indeed have a custom git
daemon (which you refer to as a proxy, which is a fair assessment),
necessary to resolve the friendly URL names into the on-disk layout.
This does mean that if the native upstream Git git-daemon acquires new
features or capabilities that we'd have to code it into your git-daemon
or wait for an update.

>> Just wanted to clear up some misconceptions and wish you guys good
>> luck onwards! There's no hard feelings from our side for choosing
>> something else, the important thing is leaving SVN behind ;)
> Thanks, and we definitely wish you guys all the best going
> forward, too - Gitorious.org is a great service, and the onus
> will be on us to try and live up to its example.

Yeah. Gitorious.org is great -- we have just decided that given a
self-hosting constraint that there are tools that better fit our needs.


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