[Kde-scm-interest] KDE Git hosting status update

Eike Hein hein at kde.org
Fri Jun 11 10:34:45 CEST 2010

On 06/11/2010 10:24 AM, Johan Sørensen wrote:
> That number is slightly off, as of right now the Gitorious application
> itself is about 8690 LOC and 11582 lines of test code (both excluding
> external dependencies (and newlines+comments)).

The 250k number was a from a cloc run, which might be a dumb

$  cloc --no3 --exclude-dir=.git .
    3625 text files.
    3438 unique files.
    1265 files ignored.

http://cloc.sourceforge.net v 1.09  T=3.0 s (913.3 files/s, 112856.3
Language                      files          blank        comment
Ruby                           2228          35865          41888
SQL                               9             24             14
Javascript                       58           2263           1536
HTML                            216           2868            192
CSS                              29           1398            472
YAML                            140            263            306
Bourne Shell                     23            179            284
PHP                               2            194            175
Ruby HTML                        33             68              5
Bourne Again Shell                2              9             20
SUM:                           2740          43131          44892

So, sorry for publishing bullshit numbers.

> Secondly, gitorious.org does in fact use the native git-daemon, but
> the document seems to confuse cloning and pushing on a few occasions.
> Pushing is entirely done through SSH and once the initial auth with
> gitorious is done, it's passed along to the git machinery.

The point was though that the script that gets called as login
shell on SSH connect relies on the Rails process to be running,
which is a pretty big affair, while gitolite doesn't have any
continually running daemon process involved in push access.

> Just wanted to clear up some misconceptions and wish you guys good
> luck onwards! There's no hard feelings from our side for choosing
> something else, the important thing is leaving SVN behind ;)

Thanks, and we definitely wish you guys all the best going
forward, too - Gitorious.org is a great service, and the onus
will be on us to try and live up to its example.

> Cheers,
> Johan

Best regards,
Eike Hein

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