[Kde-scm-interest] Meeting minutes
Boudewijn Rempt
boud at valdyas.org
Thu Nov 12 19:05:25 CET 2009
We had an irc meeting yesterday. The minutes are at http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/MovetoGit/Meeting1111, and, for your convenience
reproduced below:
project layout
** compromise?
-> every module in KDE gets a repo, every project in support/extragear
gets a repo, koffice gets a repo
-> write a script to clone, update and build everything, like kde-svn
(TASK: Morice).=
-> subprojects, like games or edu might choose to have a repo per app,
however, they will have to help out then. Otherwise, they get lumped
together. Will have to ask the module maintainers (TASK: Chani will do
the asking)
-> if a subproject wants to separate all their apps, someone will have to
help them (TASK)
** who proposes to kde-core-devel (TASK: Chani)
** who checks with gitorious
user accounts (gitorous accounts need to have a realname)
** get opt-in privacy agreement. TASK: eean. (coordinate with johann)
** we need a simple method for people to say "make me a gitorious account".
(wiki page?) This list warns about privacy issues: it is opt-in. TASK:
** other users who have a gitorious account need to ask to be part of
** we need a way to ensure everyone in thekde-developers group is on
kde-cvs-announce at kde.org. (TASK: ask johann)
** we need to send an announcement to kde-cvs-announce at kde.org telling
everyone how to request an account (and privacy info) (TASK: boud)
** our sysadmins need to have admin access to gitorious.
scripts for
** translations
-> mostly good to go, could do with polish and documentation.
Finish documentation: TASK for Chani
** releasing
-> ask dirk, cyrille what do they need to create tarballs,
collect translations, tag multiple repos (TASK: boud, morice)
** building (kde-git-build, morice)
** pre/post commit hooks, write & coordinate with gitorious
*** post:
-> figure out which hooks we have right now (from
* EBN (Dario Freddi)
* etc.
-> check whether the list complete (boud, morice)
-> coordinate with harald sitter on writing them (morice)
-> get them to work with gitorious for all kde modules, they will run
on a kde server (morice, johan, dario)
*** pre:
-> ACL: only needed for web, top-level modules and konq certificates
* look into konq certificates (TASK: Mek, talk to sysadmin)
-> ask sysadmin what else pre-commit hooks are needed for (???)
* generated files?
* upload a complete list of what it checks: TASK for argonel
* figure out a way to call them from our site plugin: johan-s
* perform tests: dario
* make a short list of people who can send new hooks to gitorious
-> ACL for creating tags: remains to be discussed: TODO
** for anon users
** for developers
-> TASK: Chani and Dario
funding to pay gitorious
-> TASK: ping KDE e.V. board about this (and Thiago). (boud)
* note: we have to make sure what we get for the funding.
* service-level-agreement?
convert svn mirrors to git mirrors: TODO
go through todo list to check what's open still and who can do that
-> conversion script: morice: ask Thiago for it!
-> externals: poke dfaure (TASK: jpwhiting)
-> email issue: in the next gitorious sprint (TASK: johan-s)
docs/ folders will need to be sync'd with svn?
-> for now, docs/manuals stay in svn. Moving to userbase or git can be done
later, it is not a blocker. Ask for input.
get op on #kde-git: task for argonal
-> Chani: movetogit page has some false info about having individual
developer groups.
-> drf(Dario):
Boudewijn Rempt | http://www.valdyas.org
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