[Kde-scm-interest] the permissions confusion

Thomas Zander zander at kde.org
Sun Dec 13 21:05:49 CET 2009

On Sunday 13. December 2009 20.35.28 Michael Jansen wrote:
> There is still much discussion and uncertainty when it comes to the
>  migration. Some people try to  make the migration, some still don't know
>  why we need it and what we gain by doing it and what we lose by doing it.
> Disclaimer:
> Without a vote i'm against the git migration. And i would vote for the git
>  migration if it is done  right (whatever that means in my opinion). I
>  would prefer the status quo otherwise.

What we gain by doing it is simple; we avoid a total fragmentation of the kde 
developer base.

There are developers, numbers growing constantly, which conclude that they 
need git to do their development as part of KDE. Amarok, konversation (and 
soon KOffice) are big examples of that. There are plenty more.

These groups *will* go towards git and gitorious. This effort is to make sure 
no man is left behind and we have a sane choice that avoids fragmenting the 
KDE community.

Just a quick comment on; 
>The switch to git means a big switch in the way we work
This is false,
the setup we made is to make sure the way people work together is essentially 
identical to the way people worked together in svn and before that in cvs.
This is, btw, one reason to have the same modules in git as we had in svn...
Thomas Zander

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