[Kde-scm-interest] meeting summary

Eike Hein hein at kde.org
Sat Dec 12 00:54:33 CET 2009

On 12/12/2009 12:39 AM, Thomas Zander wrote:
> On Friday 11. December 2009 23.09.27 Cornelius Schumacher wrote:
>> On Friday 11 December 2009 Chani wrote:
>>> I wonder, what do project maintainers think about giving such permissions
>>>  to everyone? a good thing, allowing them to delegate more easily? or a
>>> bad thing, allowing any kde dev to come along and do something silly?
>> In the current SVN setup everybody can commit everywhere. This worked very
>> well. We shouldn't kill this with git, but keep the technical barriers to a
>> minimum. I think policies and culture should govern who does what.
> +1
> I also think this thread is getting waaay to confusing, I don't know what the 
> current state is and what is being proposed.

Let me sum it up:

* There's a kde-developers team that anyone who has a KDE
  SVN account can become a member of by filing a sysadmin

* All official KDE projects on Gitorious (e.g. Amarok and
  Konversation) are owned by kde-developers.

* Everyone in kde-developers can commit to any repository
  of any project owned by it.

* In order to handle merge request mail routing, additio-
  nal per-project teams have been created:


  These have been added to the respective repositories
  as collaborators with the "Review" flag set. At the
  same time, the "Review" flag has been removed from kde-
  developers for these repositories. Thus only the people
  in the special teams now get merge request mail rela-
  ted to the respective repositories, not the whole of
  kde-developers, and only they can modify the status
  of a merge request (but actual merging is about commit
  access which is handled through kde-developers).

  To get added to one of these teams, you need to ask a
  team administrator (which is a contentious issue with
  this solution).

  In practice, the special teams currently contain all
  the core developers of the respective apps and they're
  administrated by core people from the respective apps.

  * = The "amarok-developers" team originally had other
  uses, then got abandoned, and now repurposed, hence
  the "-developers" suffix. The intention is to rename
  it to "-reviewers" if possible or remove it and create
  a new "amarok-reviewers.

This is meant as a neutral summary. I set up konver-
sation-reviewers on ossi's request, since it seems to
be the only approach to merge request mail routing
possible in Gitorious at the moment.

Best regards,
Eike Hein

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