Capture/Replay test tools for KDE?

Bogdan Bivolaru bogdan.bivolaru at
Thu Jul 17 10:50:12 CEST 2008


This movie/script application could also help making live, *interactive
It could integrate the tutorial in the application, it could highlight the
right button which needs to be pressed to complete the tutorial. It could
also say "Wrong button" when one pressed a different button than the
indicated one.
I've heard of such project being in the works, but then I forgot the address
and the name of the project.
I think it was an article about using (or being able to use) XUL for making
a tutorial application. I think it was in the early years of XUL.

I thought of a *similar idea*, although a lot more complicated:
I wanted to serialize QT GUI objects into an XML file/stream. This would
have had the benefit of being able to pipe the GUI over the wire. (Think of
KDE over a Web operating system). I reckoned this would mean to make an
X-server that serializes the interface, instead of putting it on display.
And then I realised this involves quite a lot of work so I dropped it.
Alternatively, someone (on KDE-devel or qt-forum) suggested using the XML
files that QT Designer makes, but I really don't know how to make the link
between the XML and the running object.

Patrick, please should you find anything else on this topic (movie+script)
please publish it back here or please let me know where.

Coming back to *KDE/QT testing*: The only QT Test application I know of is,
it's proprietary!

If you can live with less there are 2 packages provided by QT for testing:

If you are up to update QCppUnit to the current version of QT, you can find
it at:

Note: I also miss a good QT testing environment. I really think such an
application would help KDE a lot - unfortunately I have no idea how to make

I hope this gives you at least a little help.

"The best way to predict the future is to invent it.", 1971, Alan Kay:
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