Refactoring [was: Introduction]

Stephan Kulow coolo at
Thu Jul 6 12:38:45 CEST 2006

Am Donnerstag, 6. Juli 2006 12:18 schrieb Marek Janukowicz:
> So 3.5 is open only for bugfixes? No feature enhacements are planned? OTOH,
> is 4's API stable enough to implement new functionalities for it? I'm not
> whining or smth, I just want to understand it all properly.

3.5 is open for only very limited functionality that is already in trunk or 
some other branch where it's tested.

KDE4's API isn't really "stable", on the other hand you have a big chance to 
redefine it's API as you see mistakes - and new people tend to see mistakes
more easily than "stable" developers ;)

Greetings, Stephan
P.S. You might want to join #kde4-devel on for discussions

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