A forward look at KDE4 (was: "A look at GNOME 2.14...")

Janne Ojaniemi janne.ojaniemi at nbl.fi
Wed Feb 22 17:47:23 CET 2006

On Wednesday 22 February 2006 11:20, Philip Rodrigues wrote:
> 2. "Don't say 'we should', say 'I will.' "[1]. I count over 50 messages in
> this thread, from many authors, but only one person actually *doing* any
> work (viz, Aaron's patch). I don't need to explain which of those (the
> discussion or the patch) will make more difference to the users of KDE 3.5.
> 	This list is the place to say "I want to ..., what do I need to know?", so
> if you have an itch to scratch, tell us, and someone will step up and tell
> you what you can do.
> So, in summary, there *is* room for improvement, and the best way to help
> that improvement come about is to put in the work. The existing KDE
> developers are able and willing to help you get started, so get involved!

Well, there is a problem here then. Many KDE-users are not coders. Myself 
included. I have zero coding-skills. Does that fact then mean that 
feedback/suggestions from me (or someone else who can't code) are by default 
less valuable that suggestion from someone who can and does code?

Believe me, if I had the skills, I would absolutely LOVE to submit tons of 
patches and code to KDE. But I'm no coder. But I try to help in other ways. 
And my help does not include patches. Does it mean that my help is less 

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